White Rock Larkspur (Delphinium leuchophaeum)

Also known as Delphinium nuttallii ssp ochroleucum, this endangered species of Delphinium has a very restricted habitat range within the Willamette Valley of Oregon. This plant was found at the Camassia Nature Preserve which is one of three sites where it has self sustaining populations. Though some believe it to be a subspecies of D. nuttallii, this species has fertile, self-sustaining populations and unique morphological features that distinguish it from D. nuttallii. It has white sepals with green tips and lower upper petals which are grandular and lavender/blue. They grow at the edges of oak woodlands, shallow rocky basalt soils with high organic matter content, and can tolerate shaded and exposed slopes. This species is threatened by many factors that threaten plants throughout the state of Oregon like habitat loss, urban sprawl, herbicides, and invasive plant encroachment. It’s not everyday where you come across an endangered species but it really makes you reflect on the state of our world, the importance of land stewardship, and the rapid loss of biodiversity (even in our own backyards).


Conboy National Wildlife Refuge - June 2023


Manzanita, OR - May 2023