Conboy National Wildlife Refuge - June 2023
Home to the endangered Oregon spotted frog, nesting sand hill cranes, bulging elk, and many rare plants, this wildlife refuge in the foothills of Mt. Adams was teeming with biodiversity. Just uphill of the marsh held an amazing array of wildflowers that I’d never came across before (only in books). Here’s a few wildflowers from this trip that I wanted to share including the extremely rare phantom orchid (Cephalanthera austiniae).
Frasera albicaulis
Frasera albicaulis
Frasera albicaulis
Achillea millefolium
Ceanothus integerrimus
Ceanothus integerrimus
Ipomopsis aggregata
Ipomopsis aggregata
Ipomopsis aggregata
Eriogonum compositum
Eriogonum compositum
Calachortus subalpinus
Calachortus subalpinus
Penstemon sp.
Penstemon sp.
Mt Adams
Pyrola picta
Pyrola picta
Cephalanthera austiniae
Cephalanethera austiniae
Pterospora andromedea
Lonicera ciliosa
Viola adunca
Purshia tridentata
Clarkia rhomboidea
Clarkia rhomboidea
Horkelia fusca
Pinus ponderosa