My aim with this website is to document the diverse plants and habitats of California, Oregon, Washington, and B.C. It’s my hope that this blog can be an accessible and reliable resource for those interested in learning more about botany. Also, to help bring awareness to the ecological web of life that we are all a part of. Through the lens of botany, I’ve really come to appreciate how interconnected we are to one another (living and non-living), from the smallest pebble to the biggest Sequoia. We live in a delicate balance with plants, climate regimes, fungi, rocks, and soil communities that are constantly changing. Many of which are diminishing faster than we can even imagine…Like many, spending time outside has given me a sense of peace and humility from the day-to-day treadmill of American life. I hope that this page can be a helpful tool for you to learn and discover that same feeling that I’ve found just by looking at plants. Based in Portland, OR and ISA Certified Arborist PN-9959A.