Oak Island Trail - September 2023

Fall is officially here, so I decided to spend the rainy day hiking the Oak Island Trail on Sauvie Island. This is mostly an Oregon White Oak appreciation post, but I included a few other notable plants I saw like Broadleaf Wapato, Sneezeweed, and Western Goldenrod. This was my first time exploring this area on Sauvie Island because it’s been closed everytime I tried to visit (for nesting/migrating birds). Luckily, today I had the chance to go in and appreciate some intact oak savannah habitat. It’s pretty rare to see this today since only 1% of oak savannah in the Willamette valley remains. If only I could go back in time to see what this landscape was like pre-colonization. Some of the Oregon White Oaks I saw out here were massive too - below you’ll see a picture of me next to one for scale.

At this point of the year, most of the wildflowers were tapering off, but that also means it’s seed collecting time! This is your friendly reminder to get out there and start collecting some seeds (sustainably).

Quercus garryana

Quercus garryana

Quercus garryana

Me for scale

Lichen medley

Helenium autumnale

Sagittaria latifolia

Sagittaria latifolia

Sagittaria latifolia

Symphyotrichum subspicatum

Euthamia occidentalis

Euthamia occidentalis

Mahonia aquifolium


Lyle Cherry Orchard Preserve- March 2024


Steigerwald National Wildlife Refuge - September 2023