Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis)


Also known as Osoberry, this shrub is one of the first to flower in spring. Its white, clustered flowers typically bloom before or at the same time as the leaves unfurl. The flowers later develop into small plum like fruits thus giving it its common name Indian plum. The leaves are deciduous, alternate, pale green, and smell like cucumber when crushed. They have a large habitat range extending from British Columbia, Canada through Santa Barbara county, California. They are found in dry to moist forest understory as well as stream banks and recently disturbed areas in low elevations. These shrubs were flowering everywhere today in the hoytarboretum and special thanks to awntonyoflorress for introducing me to this cool native!


Inside-Out-Flower (Vancouveria hexandra)


Red Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum)