Rose Checker-Mallow (Sildalcea virgata)

Rose checker-mallow is an herbaceous perennial native to western North America. It has a geographic range extending from southwestern Washington to the Willamette valley of Oregon. They grow in moderately wet to dry habitats along sloping meadows, grassy hillsides, and roadsides. It typically grows between 20-100 cm tall and has clustered rose colored flowers. They have trailing rhizomes with deep taproots that allow them to anchor themselves and access water and nutrients deep in the soil. The leaves near the stem are generally branched while the basal leaves are palmate. Both leaves are covered in small long hairs.

This plant is used commonly in restoration to diversify plant communities in prairie habitats and attract endangered pollinators like the Fender’s blue 🦋 It has one specialized native bee pollinator called Diadasia nigrifons, but it can also be pollinated by honeybees and bumblebees. This plant is currently listed as an endangered species by the state of Washington, primarily due to the conversion of prairie habitat to farmlands. I found these flowers in the meadow at Tanner Springs Park and I was delighted to see them beginning to bloom 🌸


Rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera oblongifolia)


Common Camas (Camassia quamash)